Looking for Mouse part

Hey all!

I’m looking for an optical mouse that still supports a serial port. It needs to be corded also.

If it’s a PS/2 mouse with an adapter, that’s okay, but it needs to EXPLICITLY says somewhere that it still supports a serial port.

Anyone come across one lately?

Kevin Watson’s new serial port driver has piqued our interest =).


Cool idea, but I don’t think it’ll work because serial mice send data at 1200 baud, which is too slow for a PIC18F8520 running at 40 MHz. Here’s a link to the protocol specification: http://www.itacsystems.com/rs232mousespec.htm


This link may help with using a optical mouse. http://www.kronosrobotics.com/Anotes/AN168%20Athena%20to%20Optical%20Mouse.pdf

I know its really hard to find any purely serial mice these days. They need them for lighting boards and my brother always had to special order them, but only the ball style, cause only a few companies still make them. Good luck finding them.