Hey guys I’m looking for some old game pins from the years I was in Frc as a student. The years I was looking for are the 2015 recycled rush pin and the 2016 stronghold pin. I would greatly appreciate anyone who would be willing to part with either or both of these.
FRC Trading Co. is a discord server for trading team t-shirts, and you can try to arrange a trade for past game pins there. You could also ask in the trading channels in the Unofficial FIRST Robotics Competition Server
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Found them on ebay. Links below! Might be able to find them for cheaper if you look harder.
If you’re still looking, I have extras of both. Check your DMs.
Team 2141 has a full (almost unopened) bag of both of them.
Thank you to all that have responded. The pins have been acquired!!! Thank you to team 3247 RoboPack for the help
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