Looking for the team that made treads

i seem to remember awhile ago that there was an FRC team that was manufacturing and selling treads. team 233 is working on a project and trying to decide about making our own or buying prefab. if you know which team this is or can give me any information, please email me directly.


I believe it was a company called Outback manufacturing (in Oregon?), and a few teams purchased them during the 2006 or 2007 season, I believe they were 753 and 997.

thanks i’ll try and contact them

Adam is correct, 753 had Outback Manufacturing create their tread system. The design is even displayed on the company website http://outbackmfg.com/

Funny coincidence is that I was looking at this exact website this morning in search of treads as well for a Packbot I’m making in class. If you do find anything out please post up on here as an update, I need to find tread as well.

The Universal Chassis System can be adapted to work with treads in several configurations, both live axle and dead. We have worked with the Brecoflex line of self-tracking treads in the past.

221 Robotic Systems

Any custom solution is possible as well.

Sam Shawe at Outback MFG is the man you’d want to talk to about the tracks. He’ll respond faster (or at all) via a phone call. Very personable guy, VERY support of FRC.

Agreed. All I can say is that Outback track systems are FRC proven over the past 6? years. And after seeing both 753’s and 997’s robots over the years they’re the first place I’d go.

PS If you want some hard feed back let me know and I can get you in touch with the folks at 997.

thanks to all the posts - everyone points me in the same direction…

If you’re looking for tread to fit around wheels, and not in great lengths (i.e. - tracks), then IFI Robotics would definitely be a place to check out. The roughtop and wedgetop have great CoFs on the typical FRC carpet. Here’s the direct link.