Looking for ways to incorporate Mt. Dew (aka - F.I.R.S.T. Fuel) into food recipes!

We are looking for ways to incorporate Mt. Dew into food.

To see examples go HERE
If you have any idea’s please either post them here, PM me or E-mail the Webmaster of The G.U.N.N. Show Guys website HERE

Thank you for your suppport!!!

I hate mountain dew.

Mr. Green is cool. So is every cheap soda on the market. Pepsi is also good :slight_smile: Except for Pepsi Blue.

*Originally posted by evulish *
I hate mountain dew.


::still speechless::

What!? How can you hate Mountain Dew? :yikes:

I’m so sorry.

  • Katie :wink:

Hating the Dew is easy.

  1. Stupid commercials
  2. Stupid color
  3. Pepsi/Coke are better and provide a heavier caffeine shot

*Originally posted by evulish *
**I hate mountain dew. **


…Brain hurting… I need some dew.

A couple of girls on my team made Jello with Mountain Dew. It was… interesting, to say the least. They added water, then decided to throw in some Dew for added flavor. Remarkably, the Jello set, though it was a little watery (or Dewy…)

Does the dew have to be carbonated? or can you let it lose the carbonation?

btw…most people dont let me have caffeine…so I wouldnt remember how dew tastes

also have you thought about using that caffeinated water? or jolt?

*Originally posted by evulish *

**I hate mountain dew. **

Urge to kill…rising…RISing…RISING

*Originally posted by Reed B. *
**Hating the Dew is easy.

  1. Stupid commercials
  2. Stupid color
  3. Pepsi/Coke are better and provide a heavier caffeine shot **

Actually Dew has WAY MORE caffine than either of those 2 (thats fact, not argument).

But, that aside, I don’t like Dew either.

Pepsi is far better (altho its ironic that Pepsi makes Dew as well)


^ Everything pepsi makes/owns.

Wow…I think I’m going to be too scared to attend a competition…all you Dew freaks are going to be trying to hurt me :stuck_out_tongue:

Ting is an awesome soda…I think it’s bottled by Coke. All I know is that I had it in Jamaica and I want it so badly now! :slight_smile:

Betcha no ones every heard of Moxie! I have…tried it for the first time a while ago…thought it tasted like cough syrup with loads of immitation sugar…I have been trying it in small quantities lately…it’s still not good, but addicting it is. Scary :slight_smile:

dew… mt dew… /me crawls for the life-giving liquid…-The can gets knocked over-

ahhhh /me shrivels up

Basically, we are looking for food with dew added to it for our “Cooking With the Gunn Show Guys” part of our GUNN Show Site.

As already said, dew is the giver of life. Without dew, the world as we know it will cease to exist.

mmmmmmm Dew

I don’t like Mountain Dew but I am a coffee addict. Mmmm, iced mocha or caramel frappacinos are so good!

That Clear America stuff? V. good. Extremely good. Annnnnnnd… it’s no worse for you than water ( No calories, no fat, no… nothing ) It’s hard to find though-- Walmart and Sams Club are the only places I’ve found it sold. Strawberry, we’ve discovered, is the top flavor-- it tastes as good ( some say better ) warmed up, so it works as a coffee sub.

And the Snapple Element drinks. The ones with Ginseng and such, those were good. I liked Fire personally.

*Originally posted by A. Snodgrass *
btw…most people dont let me have caffeine…so I wouldnt remember how dew tastes

Ashlee :

They make caffeine-free Mountain Dew! :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll bring some to Nationals for you! :wink: :smiley:

  • Katie

*Originally posted by Katie Reynolds *
**Ashlee :

They make caffeine-free Mountain Dew! :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll bring some to Nationals for you! :wink: :smiley:

  • Katie **

Caffeine free dew??? Mind on overload, going into shock. Doesn’t make sense!! All your base are belong to us!

Elgin…do you REALLY want to see me on caffeine???..

Umm… It depends, were you on caffeine when I met you last year???
If you were, I think I could handle seeing you on caffeine again, but if that was just how hyper and, for lack of better words, “multi-task-ular” you are normally, then staying away from caffeine might be a good thing for you to do!!!
:] :smiley: :]


I don’t think she was on caffeine at Nationals last year … :smiley:

  • Katie

Elgin: 192 made it a point to make sure I did NOT get caffeine last year…