Lost in labView Land

Since our lead programmer left last year, I have been given the honor of programing the robot this year. I have seen the lead before and know (very) basic labView. I was wondering if anyone a good example of a fully working robot code. Please I need an example to learn from. The one form last year got flashed when another team member imaged the cRio. Thanks for any help.

You will probably find the video tutorials at http://frcmastery.com very helpful.

Just look at the Robot Framework that they give you. It is fully operational and contains a ready-to-run program.

The cRIO doesn’t store anything useful for you to learn from anyway. What you’d want to look at is the project on the computer used for developing the code.

LabVIEW for FRC has an option to create a new robot project. If you do that, you’ll have a fully functioning program that will drive a two-motor robot using a single joystick. If you add a camera and the yaw rate gyro sensor from the Kit of Parts, it will also seek the vision target.

Thanks I dont know what I am thinking.