Hello, I was at the Hatboro Horsham event this weekend and I think I may have lost my jacket there. It’s a brown suede Bogner. I got it from my grandfather after he passed away and it has a lot of sentimental value for me. If you have it or have any info about it, I would really appreciate it. It likely would have been in the 1218 pit.
I’ll give a $50 reward if anyone has it and can give it to me and I’ll take it back no questions asked. It’s one of the few things I have from my grandfather and I just want it back.
You could also call up FIRST or try to contact the local event leadership; it’s my understanding that FIRST has a substantial lost-and-found from events that they work to reconnect to their owners.
I’ve reached out to a student on the team that hosted the event and my mentor reached out to their lead mentor to check and see, I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to post here as well. Thanks for the help!
Hey where were you sitting? I was with the Lemons over on the right closest to the main doors (if you were standing in the main double doors entrance to the gym looking into the gym). I feel like I saw a jacket there, but I’m not sure if it was brown.
Also, was your pit in the small gym or the gallery?
Our pit was in the small gym right by the main entrance to the gym. The jacket would have been in the pit for most of the day, so you might have seen it.
We were one of the last teams to leave and our pit was behind yours and we did find a black jacket while loading out. But it sounds different than the one you described. I believe we left that jacket with crew tearing down. But I will double check tonight that it didn’t end up in one of our crates.