Hello all,
I understand that Chief Delphi may not be the proper location to post this, but thought I could get some great feedback from the community. If many suggest that this should not be on Chief Delphi, I will remove it immediately.
This solution is meant primarily for low resource areas, as the cost is very minimal. The writer simply copies the mirrored braille letters from right to left, so that once the page is flipped it can be read normally. The “holes” can be punched in using something like a mechanical pencil, tack, or pen. The template and key can be found here. I was brought upon this field after reading about Shubham Banarjees lego mindstorm Braille Printer. His solution is scores under the conventional price of $2000+ at $350. Although this is very cost effective, I thought that it was not the perfect solution for low resource areas, as it requires electricity and could be fairly costly for some of those areas.
A video demo of my solution can be found here.
All feedback is welcomed, Thank you!
Dikshant Sharma