Low Cost Field BOM

FIRST has released the field BOM. It is located in the Documents section

Plywood, 2x lumber, PVC pipe and 3 casters.

Let the speculation begin!

wow…i can only imagine what we will be doing with a toilet flange!

Hopefully this means a moving goal of sorts or at least we are assured that something is moving part

Here for those wondering.

Only three casters this year? and a 4’x8’ sheet of plywood? Hmmm … Maybe it’s a giant ramp on wheels!! :ahh:

Maybe FIRST is trying to throw us off this early in the season…

Nick Elser: yep
Nick Elser: I got it
Nick Elser: the casters, screws, etc are just to throw us off
Nick Elser: the robots just have to look cool
Nick Elser: whilst the human players jump onto the field and beat each other
Nick Elser: it will be hot

My initial thoughts are that there is a single, complicated moving object. There is a LOT of wood on the BOM, and the 5" diameter casters, those things are designed to support a lot of weight. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a moving platform that robots can climb onto. This could be like 1999 :smiley: (or maybe it is just wishful thinking). In any case I think the wood is probably for a rather complicated moving platform (let’s call it the puck). Another possibility I thought of is stairs, judging by the quantity of the 2x4’s and 2x6’s. Maybe there are stairs in addition to the puck? What do you all think?

  • Patrick

Maybe it’s a puck with stairs on it? A giant, multileveled puck on wheels…

That’s almost like what i was thinking, but then I thought…how much of this wood if for the actual field? and not the goals. I see a return of the puck.

Just a thought that since this is the low cost version… perhaps there are multiple objects using 3 casters each, but the BOM is just for one of them…


Not just a 4’x8’ sheet of plywood, but 7 sheets. My guess is that some of this wood will be replaced by lexan when the expensive BOM is released.

I’ll leave the real speculation up to those more mechanically gifted than myself. Maybe someone can get it right on like Dr Joe did back in 2002: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11314&postcount=1

with all that plywood, does anyone else think that maybe this eyar the playing surface wont be carpet, but instead plywood?!

odd, the BOM doesnt appear under the Documents and Updates section of the main site.

Only 3 casters??? Hm, that wouldn’t be enough to support a mobile goal would it, the 2001 and 2002 goals each had at least 6, 2002’s had 8.

me can only wonder what the game is.

Home improvement anyone?

Only 3 casters??? Hm, that wouldn’t be enough to support a mobile goal would it, the 2001 and 2002 goals each had at least 6, 2002’s had 8.

Actually if the goal was light enough and maybe triangular shaped then three wheels should suffice.

The three casters might just be for one game piece too. We could have seven goals/pucks/whatever with three casters each, but the BOM only lists the materials for one. Guess we’ll have to wait and see!!

Dear Lord, please don’t let it be the return of the puck.

I don’t mind moving goals, but let’s be real here. The puck’s been done before. Any changes to it are merely a hop in comparison to the mental leap that post-1999 teams will have to endure. Not only does the game become unfair, but kindof pointless.

I guess I’m just expecting more out of them than another puck. </ rant> :smiley:

Hey, I’ve been waiting 4 long years for that puck to return!!! I loved that darn thing! I dont think it would be that redundant if it was multileveled, with a higher platform and no poles to climb. Especially if you had to carry say ohhhh…2 PVC goals onto it?

What is the puck?

I’d guess its some hexagonal shaped object that only uses half the casters to keep the cost down since they are $22 each, not exactly cheap. But 5 inch casters? Maybe we finally have a ‘hilly’ field to play on, now that would be interesting.

What is the puck?

The puck was in the 99’ game, it was on casters and had poles sticking up on each corner. You got points for climbing onto the puck at the end of the match or for hanging from a pole. Then the puck also gave points to an alliance depending on what half of the field it was in.

There is no way that three casters can account for 7 4x8 sheets of plywood…
I think it can be said with certainty that there will be another ramp/teeter-totter-like feature in the field, and it will be prominent. My money is still on stairs. But three casters is still intriguing.

Thats because you already know how to beat the puck, which proves my point. You know exactly what to build to climb the thing, as opposed to some poor post-99 team that has to deal with figuring that out on top of whatever changes were made to it. So there :stuck_out_tongue: