Mac Programming

I finally (near the end) have a good solution. A while back, Rob found a program for the Mac, but it only would work for the BS2. Yesterday, the program was updated to work with, among others, the BS2sx. You have to use the older PBASIC because Parallax hasn’t released the tokenizer library for 2.5 yet, but they will soon. Hope someone can benefit from this, but I have already…it works great!

Download here

I’m really considering an off season project to
create some good robot tools in java. I’m totally recruiting coders if anyone’s interested. Basically, i love Rob’s programs, but i need a linux version b/c i can’t stand windows. (and RoboEmu/IDE for linux haven’t been updated in a while nudge :slight_smile: ) :slight_smile: and i’m sure the mac os x folks would like that…
I’d also like to come up w/ a free version of the tokenizer… not sure if its possible/legal, have to research the idea a bit.

*Originally posted by jzampier *
**I’m really considering an off season project to
create some good robot tools in java. I’m totally recruiting coders if anyone’s interested. Basically, i love Rob’s programs, but i need a linux version b/c i can’t stand windows. (and RoboEmu/IDE for linux haven’t been updated in a while nudge :slight_smile: ) :slight_smile: and i’m sure the mac os x folks would like that…
I’d also like to come up w/ a free version of the tokenizer… not sure if its possible/legal, have to research the idea a bit. **

RoboEmu for Linux will be updated starting Feb 19. Until that point, I barely have enough time outside building my own team’s robot to maintain the Windows version. I’ve also been holding off on RoboIDE until Parallax releases a new tokenizer.
