I’m having an issue on mach3 where the program will randomly freeze mid part. the computer itself is fine, it’s just mach3. The spindle continues to run, the gantry freezes, and mach3 freezes and stops responding. It fixes itself whenever I unplug the router from the computer though. Anyone have this issue before? My main hypothesis right now based on google searches is “electrical noise”
General info:
Omio x8, Full license of Mach3, WCP settings, laptop older than I am on windows xp(in good condition). I’ve checked everything is plugged in properly, doesn’t seem to be a control box issue.
I can try and get a vid/pics next time I’m in our shop which will probably next Wednesday.
First of all, do a clean reinstall of Mach3 and see if the issue persists. Is it regular, or sporadic? Then, see if grounding the machine helps. Ground the frame, spindle, and (if you open the control box) the VFD. You can also try a USB isolator.
In addition to grounding everything (use finely-stranded wire) try using a different, NON-laptop computer. Some laptops handle communications differently from desktop computers, with symptoms as you describe.
I recognize that sourcing such a desktop computer can be problematic.
Over a week later, but I wanted to make sure the issue was resolved with decent confidence. I haven’t had any more freezing issues after turning off usb suspend, turning off power saving/sleep settings, and isolating the control box usb. Previously I had had it plugged into a USB hub with a few other usb devices (cnc controller, mouse, usb drive).
Not to hijack the post, but we have a home-brew CNC mill that uses Mach3, but we cannot get it to work well. Are there any good tutorials? I have found some on YouTube, but I’m hoping there are better ones that I have missed.