Madera Awards Ceremony video?

Does anyone have the complete video of the awards ceremony for the Madera reginals? Our team, Mechapirates 5136, won the rookie allstar award & we’ve been looking for video footage of our win.

I can’t help you with video, but congrats on your award! Well deserved for a very impressive rookie team.

I do have the FIRST big screen footage of the complete awards ceremony, but it’s a 17GB file from that is not cut yet. I’ll ask my students if they have time to cut it. If you mailed me a 32GB or 16GB (after cutting it) flash drive, I could put it on there and mail it back to you. Send me a PM.

Thanks! We’ll certainly be heading to the championships.

The biggest flashdrive we have is 8 GB ATM, but I’ve used google drive quite a lot with videos and the maximum file limit is 10GB which could work out. Please let me know if/when you’ll be cutting down the video :slight_smile: .

We’ll see if we can cut it and get it online tonight.

Have you been able to upload the video yet? My teacher wants to have it in the next school news release.

We ran a little short on time at our last meeting. I’ll see if we can get it Wednesday.

Were you able to upload it?