Are normally open magnetic switches considered limit switches and would they be legal on the minibot? actual answers please i would appriciate it.
If the parts are listed in <R92>, or in the official Tetrix parts catalog as linked in TU #3 or if the part can be manufactured from the raw materials listed in <R92>, then yes it is legal.
I have read through the MiniBot rules section R92-AA. and the use of magnets are permitted.
thanks for the advice but i still am not sure. It is a magnet and is allowed by Rule R92 but the rules also say that only certain limit swtiches are allowed. The switch is allowed in one rule but not in the other any ideas.
My opinion is that a magnetic switch does not count as a limit switch.
I am neither a member of the Game Design Committee nor a robot inspector. My opinion is not authoritative.
Magnetically operated reed switches are frequently used as non-contact limit switches in some applications. Barring a statement from the GDC, I would expect them to be legal. However, depending on the use, and considering the steel post, they may not be as reliable as you would hope.