Main Robot Code NOT Working

I uploaded this code to the robot and it won’t work. Also a lot of the methods such as increment() and turnRight() in Chassis are “dead code” according to Eclipse. increment() and decrement() change the value of rspeed up and down.

Here is a link to the code on gitHub:

THANKS for the help!

Okay, two easy issues to fix.

  1. Code taken from
protected void execute() {

Right here XBox.LEFTJOY_X is an enum. It will always be the same value (definition of an enum). It appears this enum represents the number of the left x axis. Instead you should access the actual value from the joystick with:

  1. Code taken from
public void initDefaultCommand() {
        // Set the default command for a subsystem here.
        //setDefaultCommand(new DriveTele());

You need to uncomment “setDefaultCommand(new DriveTele());” to tell the Chasis the run the DriveTele command and make your robot move.

Also you said that increment() and decrement() are dead, but they are just commented out…

The dead code is also caused by reading joystick constants, rather the joystick values.

XBox.RIGHTJOY_Y < 0 is always false, so the code in the if statement never executed and is thus dead code.

I commented out one pair of increment/decrement methods but left the other pair - I was testing which one worked better.

So .LEFTJOY_X is enum but .LEFTJOY_Y is not - those are pointers to getRawAxis() in the XBox class - I will try that but I don’t know if it will do anything.

Why is XBox.RIGHTJOY_Y < 0 always going to be false - dont joystick axis return values from -1 to 1? How else would I make a program that would change the robots speed using the right joysticks X axis on an XBox controller?

You need to use the methods in the class instead of the enum.

    public boolean getButtonA() {
     return getRawButton(A_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonB() {
        return getRawButton(B_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonX() {
        return getRawButton(X_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonY() {
        return getRawButton(Y_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonRB() {
        return getRawButton(RB_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonLB() {
        return getRawButton(LB_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonRS() {
        return getRawButton(RS_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonLS() {
        return getRawButton(LS_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonStart() {
        return getRawButton(START_BUTTON);
    public boolean getButtonBack() {
        return getRawButton(BACK_BUTTON);
    public double getLeftJoyY() {
        return getRawAxis(LEFTJOY_Y);
    public double getLeftJoyX() {
        return getRawAxis(LEFTJOY_X);
    public double getRightJoyY() {
        return getRawAxis(RIGHTJOY_Y);
    public double getRightJoyX(){
        return getRawAxis(RIGHTJOY_X);
    public double getRightTrigger() {
        return -Math.min(getRawAxis(RIGHT_TRIGGER), 0);
    public double getLeftTrigger() {
        return Math.max(getRawAxis(LEFT_TRIGGER), 0);

The methods take the enum values that represent button and axis numbers and gets the actual feedback from the joystick.

Okay I changed all that.

Here’s the updated code:

But when I upload it the DriverStation puts out an error and says the robot has no code.

Eclipse Build Output:

Buildfile: C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task classloader
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\dist
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build
     [echo] [athena-compile] Compiling src with classpath=C:\Users\Kristen/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\Kristen/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar to build
    [javac] Compiling 12 source files to C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build
     [echo] [athena-jar] Making jar dist/FRCUserProgram.jar.
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\dist
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build\jars
     [echo] [athena-jar] Copying jars from C:\Users\Kristen/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\Kristen/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar to build/jars.
     [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\build\jars
      [jar] Building jar: C:\Users\Kristen\Documents\GitHub\Robot2015\dist\FRCUserProgram.jar
     [echo] Trying Target: roboRIO-4623.local
     [echo] roboRIO found via mDNS
     [echo] roboRIO image version validated
     [echo] Checking for JRE. If this fails install the JRE using these instructions:
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-4623.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : test -d /usr/local/frc/JRE
     [echo] [athena-deploy] Copying code over.
      [scp] Connecting to roboRIO-4623.local:22
      [scp] done.
      [scp] Connecting to roboRIO-4623.local:22
      [scp] done.
     [echo] [athena-deploy] Starting program.
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-4623.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t -r;
  [sshexec] start-stop-daemon: warning: killing process 5656: No such process
Total time: 11 seconds

Driver Station Error:

ERROR Unhandled exception instantiating robot org.usfirst.frc.team4623.robot.Robot java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at [java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method), java.lang.Class.forName(, edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.main(]

I am trying everything but I can’t get it to work.

In your Chassis class you have a RobotDrive that is using the same channels as the 4 Jaguars you created. What you want to do is pass those 4 Jaguars into the RobotDrive constructor, not pass in the channels again.

roborDrive = new RobotDrive(frontLeftMotor, rearLeftMotor, frontRightMotor, rearRightMotor);