Sure, an Easy Button is fun at first, it gets a quick chuckle the first few times you press it, but it gets a bit annoying, especially when used on a daily basis, right? Well, my and another team member’s Chem teacher was on of these people, pressing the Easy Button at least once per day, to the point where it was painful to hear. Well, this is what we decided to do to get the best of him.
(By the way, apologies on the quality of the pictures, while the Chocolate is a great phone, the pictures it takes leave a bit to be desired)
What you’ll need:
An Easy Button
Two short lengths of “borrowed” PWM cable wire
Soldering iron, solder, flux
Small phillips head screwdriver
Swiss army knife (always useful)
And the pièce de résistance, a Build-a-Bear workshop record/play chip (used to make bears say whatever you record into them when you squeeze them)
See where I’m going with this?
First, start to disassemble the Easy Button:
Just remove the soft feet on the bottom, and unscrew the four screws holding the button together.
Go in a bit further, and take off the board on the top, then remove the raised plastic:
Here, I’ve highlighted the two sets of wires connected to the EB board, the first pair, red, going to the speaker, and the second, white and black, going to battery case. Both of these will have to be removed with your soldering iron, because neither of them is to be connected by the end of our work.
Here is the battery box, because the final Easy Button will be powered by the batteries in the BaB board, we may as well remove the unnecessarily used space, no? Remove the battery box however you want, try to take off as much as possible while leaving the outside intact (we must make it covert). This is what ours looked like once we were done.