Makefile and stripped down compiler

Hello everybody,

I have been looking at the new code and it doesn’t seem all that different from last year’s code. Maybe there will be a release of something new later?

Anyway, I have always loathed the MPLAB IDE, preferring to use other tools (namely vi) to write C files. Normally, I would install MPLAB and the MCC18 compilers, and then proceed to use them via the command line, at their path (something like C:\Program Files\MPLAB IDE\bin\mcc18.exe, or whatever it turned out to be). About two months ago, however, I came up with a different way to get the compilers without an IDE.

You need to construct the following file structure. I put the compiler in d:\usr\mcc18, but to use this for any other location, just change the paths:

[Lightwave-III D:\usr\mcc18] tree /f /a
Folder PATH listing for volume Lightwave-III
Volume serial number is DC26-3E52
| cpp18.exe
| mcc18.exe
| mp2cod.exe
| mp2hex.exe
| mplink.exe
| _mplink.exe
| adc.h
| capture.h
| pwm.h
| spi.h
| stddef.h
| string.h
| timers.h
| usart.h

With just those files, measuring only 7168KB, I have a development environment set up. It will compile all the FIRST code I have ever thrown at it.

To use this environment, I changed one of the makefiles posted here in the past. I use Microsoft NMAKE, so that I don’t need to install the full cygwin toolkit. This makefile allows me to just execute “nmake all” in the \home\venkatesh\frccode directory, getting me a .hex file for use with IFI Loader. If any of you find useful, great. I have not tried it with the new compiler or MPLAB 7, but I assume the process would be similar.

The “make me a sandwich” idea is copied from another earlier makefile on these forums. Almost forgot to give credit. =)

makefile.txt (2.12 KB)

makefile.txt (2.12 KB)