Making sure EVERY Team can do Auto

I hope everyone has read this with the same thought in mind I have. It’s now even more crucial to your alliance’s auto score that you make sure every partner you have can at least at a minimum move into the auto zone. Otherwise you won’t get even the minimum robot set points.

Seems like it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have sample LabView, Java, and C++ code on a flash drive that alliance members (and other teams, for that matter) can copy over before a match.

Was it any different last year? It might’ve been even more crucial due to ball placement.

I’d like to see a team do a dynamic stack-based auton, though. I had a great system devised before kickoff that I think would tackle the solution but I won’t be working on it.

Last year, you didn’t need your partners to get some points. This year, you need them to get any (very nearly, and especially the ROBOT SET).

The other option is to have one robot handle all 3 of something. Seems that 3-tote-stacker autos would be pretty valuable this year.

if a robot doesn’t move you can always place them right next to the alliance zone and push them into it

Exactly this.

I’m a fan of the specialization of roles. I want a clarification weather or not you can actually score more than three gray bins in auto.

gray bins can not be scored in auto you can move them around all over creation during auto even stack them but the stack wont count in auto

You can’t score any gray totes in auton. There are only 3 yellow totes, so no way to score more. You can only score 3 recycling containers:

I thought you can score gray totes in auto. What’s to prevent you from stacking them?

Clarification: you don’t get points* in autonomous* from gray totes. You’re free to do whatever I want with them afaik, but you don’t get auton points.

Right, the points will be assessed after teleop ends. But you would still get points, right?

Yes, but why are you wasting your time in auton on something that’s not going to get you any points anyways?

It’d be nice if we could somehow ensure that all our alliance members had something in terms of autonomous, but how likely is it that whatever “sample” you program will be compatible with their robot? It would almost seem better to set autonomous-incapable robots out of the way while you score the bins and totes, or just forcibly move their robot into the auto-zone.

My question is: Does it get you points? No where in the manual can I find that stacks of gray totes made during auton will not be counted.

My thinking is that since auton this year is so dependent on your other two alliance partners, maybe it’s more worth it to try to score some gray totes and get your alliance some “for-sure” points.

exactly there are numerous other things that can be accomplished in auto that would be a better option if if it not scoring the totes or cans

It could be a “least bad strategy” if you had particularly weak alliance partners.

Points for teleop are assigned at the end of the match. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that means that totes stacked during autonomous will be scored just the same as those stacked during teleop.

I don’t know if that would make sense, but seeing as it’s one of the few auton strategies that doesn’t require assistance from alliance partners it may be worth looking into.

Yeah, in MAR at least there are always a few bots that don’t have a solid auton. Our thinking was, in addition to a “yellow-tote auton”, we would have a “gray-tote auton” that gets us 4-6 points without relying on our teammates. Obviously, these would be considered teleop points and therefore wouldn’t help our rankings as much.

Still, if anyone could provide a rules clarification, that would be great.

Every team should definitely do auto! At the very least, all three robots per alliance should move. I personally think that all teams should move a recycle container into the auto zone as that gives 8 pts for a set. This would add up to 12 pts for the alliance. There should be some cooperation between the teams of the alliances before match to make sure we are all on the same page