Does anyone know how to set the constraints on spur gears generated in Design accelerator so that when you rotate-move one gear it drives-rotates the other? Using inventor 10 release.
Go to the constraint tool, select the Motion tab, select your axes of rotation, and set your ratio. Make sure you set the relative direction of rotation too (for gears-opposite directions, for sprockets-same direction).
The gears seem to be over constrained and won’t move. How do you suppress the constraints that inhibit the rotation? When the gears are created by Design Accelerator they are automatically generated with a boat load of constraints. As a new user I am not familiar (yet) with all these special constraints. Any suggestions?
seems thats an Inventor 10 thing (since u mentioned the design accelerator) i havent had ton of time to really mess around with it… but constraints are only in assemblies, not parts. sooo once you create a part such as a gear it has its own IPT. remove it from your current assembly and re introduce it into the assembly, at this point it should have zero constraints. now just apply 2-3 contraints ( constraint on the axle it rotates on, constraint of position along the axle, and a constraint for rotation with other gears).
I maybe wrong
Did you try un-grounding the first gear and suppressing the Gear Meshing constraint in the gear model? Those were the culprits when I tried it.