Manchester Rgnl. ETREMELY basic scouting DB

Hi this is Rick from 121. I would like any teams attending the BAE Granite State Regional to please share some of their robot info. All I and many others are looking for is just a general robot type.

An example of what I would like is this:

**TEAM 121: We are building a robot that can stack. **

Just something to that effect would be perfect, so I and many others can get a general feel for the competition there. Lets keep this basic and make sure your team only posts once.

Team 151: We are building a King of the hill Bot

nobody else wants to share?

Um I’ll be glad to tell you


*Originally posted by Todd Derbyshire *

NH!!! **

whats nh mean?

Team 190: We are building a robot that can win.

wow…we built a robot that can stack too…man thats weird

88 :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe Team 238 is a Stacker and a King of the Hill…if i heard my brother tell me correctly…sometimes I tend to not listen to what he has to say :slight_smile:

now that shipping day has come an gone and theres nothin we can do about it . Scouting for this year should start now.

lets here what you all going to New Hampshire are suprising us with this year.