
Should The Swampthing Mascot be TEN FEET TALL?

Here I am on Drywall stilts and with camo makup

Hey, me and Miss Information aren’t the only one’s hiding behind masks here.

Out of curiousity, is that 10 feet including the ramp? Oh, and nice shoes.

Looks like 10 feet plus the ramp to me.

i like it… looks good reminds me of one ‘o my friends playing the giant from Jack an’ the Giant…he he he… nice malk-up…you look tired…:smiley:

If you plan on walking on those things at comp, i am incredibly impressed. (you are very brave) I have enough problems stayingon my own two feet. :smiley:

Ok! Now Onlo If they let me drive (the robot) with them on?

