Hello FIRST community, Massachusetts specifically. I’m just posting this to let you know about a program that Andromeda One(4905), has founded. For all of you who were at the Reading District Event, you may recall Dean Kamen’s challenge to MA - be the first state in the country to have FIRST in every school district… and beat Michigan to it!

MassFIRST is our team’s response to that challenge. We are extremely passionate about FIRST, and this is the perfect opportunity to share the experience of FIRST with everyone else in the state.

Accomplishments so far:

Gained Dean Kamen’s support at Robotica event in Devens MA

Spoke at the MASS/MASC conference on the cape

Attended the MASS STEM Summit in Worcester, and spoke to Governor Baker about our plan.

Made a map showing where FIRST is and isn’t in our state.

Attended the Statehouse and spoke to members of the Baker administration about state support for FIRST.

Met with Steve Cremer (Regional FIRST director in MA) and Dana Henry (MA Senior mentor), and gained their support and that of NEFIRST

We have spoken with hundreds of educators and parents across the state and many are interested in starting teams in their districts. Our strategy is to focus on starting FLL teams, as they are the cheapest and simplest to begin with, and in time they will evolve into FTC and FRC teams.

What do you all think?

I wish you guys the best of luck! I’d love to see one of the New England states make this accomplishment.