Hello CD Community,
I’m currently taking a class for my masters degree and I’m working on a Podcast documentary that is going to focus on the effects of mentors, students, and the FRC community has on individuals. What I need from all of you is to help me by recording yourself answering the questions below. You may ask yourself, how do I record myself and send it to you? Well if you have a iPhone (or any smartphone probably) use the voice memo app and record yourself that way. Once your done, email me the file (it’s right in the app).
You don’t have to answer all the questions (but it would be awesome if you did) and I’m only looking for a short answer to each one, it doesn’t have to be your life story, but if your answers are long, no worries! The more information I have the better!
So please CD community, help me out and answer these questions below and send them to me by this Sunday night (2/24) to [email protected].
Please include your name, team number/name, state/country and just say what number you are answering.
Once I’m done, I’ll share the final product! Please help!
You rock in advance!
Questions for Mentors:
- Why did you decide to mentor a FIRST Robotics team?
- What is your favorite part of mentoring?
- How has mentoring affected you in your career?
- What’s your best memory while being a mentor
- Why should others mentor?
- What effects do you think FIRST has on students?
- What effects do you think FIRST has on adults/mentors?
- Why is FIRST Awesome?
Questions for Students:
- What is your favorite part of working with mentors?
- What kind of inspiration or guidance have you gained by working with our mentors?
- Why should students join a FIRST robotics team?
- What’s your favorite part about being on a FIRST robotics team?
- How has FIRST effected you in your choice(s) in high school and after high school.
- How is your team showcased in your school?