Match Replays In Houston

So I’m curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on match replays in Houston; what have you seen?

Certain division such as Roebling and Newton saved replays until after the days scheduled matches, and other divisions such as Carver had all their replays immediately and seemed hesitant to have any replays.

What are your thoughts, what have you seen?

Turing: 1 replay. Field fault of a spring falling off. Immediate field stop and replay. That was today if I recall correctly.

I saw one match that was stopped and replayed because a box of fuel was left on the field. But I also saw a different match where the same thing happened, but that match wasn’t stopped and replayed because it was deemed to not have affected the outcome of the match.

I’m also curious as to why 3 of 2468’s 4 qualification matches had to be replayed at the end of the day on Thursday.

Someone must not have appreciated the outcome.

Our team had 2 replays. One of them, which we previously won, we then lost. The other we won again.

I found it interesting that carver didn’t replay a match after all three robots lost comms at the exact same time. In Galileo they were very hesitant to give replays, even tho for one of our matches both our partners lost comms in our loading zone around the same time. We couldn’t get any gears but they decided it wasn’t a field fault.

Field replays are done because of field faults (bad WiFi, reset mistakes, pieces of the field interfereing). As for the timings that you are curious on, not every field fault is caught during the match. Hopper had several field faults that resulted in match replays. Whether or not they were instantly replayed or pushed to the end came down to if teams had loaded up their robot and left yet.

It’s easier to restart a match if teams haven’t already left.

Q34 was replayed at the end of the first day in Carver.

To give some more context, the match was replayed due to a team’s radio malfunction which led to all robots experiencing lag and packet loss.

A field fault isn’t robot’s losing comms. A field fault is when a part of the field isn’t working as it is supposed to and causes a change in the outcome of the match. While having to play 1 vs 3 with no method of scoring gears sucks, it isn’t the field’s fault, therefore there should not be a replay.

All three were robot issues. Bad coincidence that it happened at the same time.

I know matches 60 and 69 on Newton were replayed because multiple robots from both sides of the field were experiencing massive lag and the driver station logs were showing over 30% packet loss for all those teams.

Replays on Roebling were ridiculous. We had to do 2 replays (and there were about 5-6 total). We originally won both (5 RP earned) but our second replay ended up removing 3 of our RP when the final gear for the 4th rotor had a lift peg barb stuck in the center and the pilot couldn’t get it out to place onto the geartrain (they tried for an entire minute of play!).
The first replay was apparently due to a network interference issue for our opposing alliance.
The second replay, we were told, was because one of the opponents lifts was a little “sticky” (but still operable…)

Just curious…what were the match numbers of your replayed matches?

Hopper had three replays total, once because of a broken touchpad and twice because of issues with the live scoring. There was one major FMS issue, and that was resolved during the first day. We may have only had a 10-15 minute lunch break, but there were no further major issues with the FMS afterwards.

We played in three of the four replay matches on Thursday afternoon in Roebling. Field latency was the issue with all three of our matches and I believe with all four of the replays. All six robots were experiencing major lag problems that was discussed after match 14 between both alliances.

Coincidental that we were involved in three of the four replays. We did not request any of the replays nor did our alliances request any of them.

Matches replayed were in this order: 14, 13, 8 and 36. 2468 played in matches 14, 8 and 36. Three matches in less than 20 minutes against three different alliances. Having to play in three of the four matches, meant we had to play back to back in two of them. We were blue, red then blue on top of that. We were allowed a field time out between 8 and 36.

Original plays, we went from 1-2-0 to 0-2-1 in those matches. In original play match 36 was a win and one gear away from 4 rotors.

Our other match of the day was 24 where we unfortunately did not hang thus resulting in one RP due to 973 getting 40 kPa.

FTA visited with us about match 14 as a replay at lunch time around 30 minutes before the break but they could not find one of the teams since they had already taken off for lunch.

We had problems with drive during the day with one side not being as responsive as the other making driving extremely difficult. We ran 25 chain in the tube so we needed an extended period of time to take the chassis apart to look it over. We had planned to do that after match 36 which was originally scheduled for 3:15 but could not get it done in time for the replays.

It was very apparent in the field replays that we needed to address the issue on our robot with the drivetrain. It would have been nice to have the long break at the end of the day to be able to take the chassis apart. Unfortunately, for our alliance partners, they were part of this as we figured it out.



Quals 8 and Quals 53.

I re-watched original Quals 53 and it appears the Blue Alliance was complaining about the center peg – the alliance managed to lift 2 gears early in the match but one of their own robots bet the peg hard and bent it, and later in the match the alliance had trouble keeping gears on that peg. FRC Game Update 19 specifically covers this scenario and declares such a situation to NOT be a field fault, but the FTA at Roebling decided to replay this match anyway and this completely changed the results in our division.

I would love a better explanation from the Roebling FTA as to the decision to replay this match…

Watch for yourself at 1:37:00 here: Twitch

Norman, sorry to hear all that. But, you guys ended up making it to the subdivision finals so I’m glad to see that things worked out in the end. Thank you for the detailed explanation!

Roebling ended up having to do both (I assume because the quantity of replays was so high). There were at the very least 5 replays on day 1 (I think more, though I didn’t see them myself). Connectivity and latency problems abounded.

Our drive team mentioned an interesting thing about connecting to the field on Roebling. Occasionally after bootup they would get confirmation that the robot was connected to the field in less than a second. I believe this happened throughout both days. They speculated that maybe different radio firmware was being used or that changes had been made to the FMS for Champs. All speculation, but interesting.