Matches where both alliances score over 100 points

So far, I’ve found three matches where both alliances scored over 100 points. Anyone know of any others?

Galileo Qtr 1-1: 124-136
Newton 45: 118 - 132
Curie Final 1: 104 - 110

Hopefully we’ll see more during off season competitions.

Edit: Western Michigan Qtr 2-1 gets really close 192-96, anyone have video?

yeah i wonder if we will end up getting scores like we saw in the 2006 off-season :yikes: those were impressive. yeah i was watching that 1st quarterfinal on Galileo from the queue line and was surprised my jaw didnt fall

I heard rumors of 256-128 on Saturday morning by the Gali/Newton practice field, but I don’t know when, who, or if it really happened.

Yea, we were just putting up points. We wanted to go to the row that 1425 and 25 wern’t going to go to so we picked bottom and they went mid. That match was a match to outscore them. I was next to the field watching and it was a nail biter. I loved that match

Let me run an SQL query.

According to the database behind The Blue Alliance system, those are the only three matches with over 100 points scored by both alliances.

**Over 100 Scored by both alliances**
Qualification 45  	Newton Field
Quarters 1 Match 1 	Galileo Field
Finals 1 Match 1 	Curie Field

**Over 90 Scored by both alliances**
Finals 1 Match 2  	Einstein Field
Qualification 40 	Newton Field
Qualification 45 	Newton Field
Qualification 82 	Philadelphia Regional
Quarter Finals 2 Match 1 	West Michigan Regional
Quarters 1 Match 1 	Galileo Field
Quarters 2 Match 1 	Curie Field
Finals 1 Match 1 	Curie Field
**Over 80 Scored by both alliances**
Semi Finals 2 Match 1  	Einstein Field
Finals 1 Match 2 	Einstein Field
Semi Finals 2 Match 1 	Wisconsin Regional
Qualification 92 	Galileo Field
Qualification 40 	Newton Field
Qualification 45 	Newton Field
Qualification 82 	Philadelphia Regional
Qualification 38 	West Michigan Regional
Qualification 64 	West Michigan Regional
Quarter Finals 2 Match 1 	West Michigan Regional
Quarters 4 Match 1 	Archimedes
Quarters 1 Match 1 	Galileo Field
Quarters 2 Match 1 	Curie Field
Finals 1 Match 1 	Curie Field

Quarter Finals Davis regional (1-3?) tie 92-92