I was wondering if thegyro is zeroed in the rese position and travels 4 rotations clockwise, would this give a value of 4*-360 = -1440 or does it end at -360 degrees and recycle back to zero degrees?
Good question. ADXRS450 datasheet should tell you. Most likely it’ll be -180 to 180, rolling over
The ADXRS450 library counts continuously, so it will continue past 180 and past 360.
We have a couple user guides for all the ADI sensors also at wiki.analog.com/first
@ImAnEngiNERD does it do the same in the negative direction? Also does it go to the max and min double values? or does it have a cutoff? like what happens if you turn 5 full times clockwise when you started at zero, what angle heading would you be at after this turn? I searched all the guides and docs for the gyro and couldn’t find this information…
It will do the same thing in the negative direction as well. To my knowledge it should go to the maximum and minimum possible values that can be stored in a double.
thanks very much!
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