Max Botix Range finder help???

We are trying to install a Maxbotixs ultrasonic range finder and need some help.

We are using the HRLV - Maxsonar EZ and we are wondering if anyone out there can tell us how to wire it and what are the programming needs using Labview.

Thanks so much


MaxBotics provides a Quick Start Guide which explains how to provide power and how to read the analog output. You can connect all three pins (+, -, and AN) to one of the Analog Breakout channels on the cRIO module in slot 1.

To use it in LabVIEW, open the analog input channel where you have it connected and just get the voltage. With the 5v supply from the breakout, you will read approximately 9.766mV per inch.

Hello, This is Tom Bonar from MaxBotix Inc.

Alan, the HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ sensors output approximately 4.885mV per 5 mm. The quickstart guide from last year is good for the fundamentals of wiring the sensor and connecting it, but the Analog Voltage output is different than that of the LV-MaxSonar-EZ sensors.

You can read the section entitled “5-Meter HR-MaxSonar sensors”, there is information on Using the Analog Voltage Output of the HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ sensors.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Tom Bonar
Technical Support
of MaxBotix Inc.
Phone: (218) 454-0766
Fax: (218) 454-0768
Email: [email protected]


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