What would be, in theory a robot / alliance working at 100% potential? What will be the scoring breakdown, and what would be a max theoretical score for an alliance or a single robot?
12 L4 coral in auto (or the equivalent , since an L3 and L4 in auto both earn you +2 over scoring them in teleop) is probably close to max we’ll see. Maybe we’ll see a 5-coral auto, since the cycle times are short.
12*7 = 84
All 18 algae in your net:
18*4 = 72
Remaining coral on L3 and L2:
12*(4+3) = 84
Theoretically there are 90 more coral to score in L1.
I don’t think you could fit nearly that many in, though. More like 6 / side, 2 ‘stacks’ of 3.
36*2 = 72.
84+72+84+72 = 312
That’s 72 coral scored, 24 per robot. If 3 robots have <6 second cycle time, it’s doable, but someone has to be scoring algae. <3 second time if it’s just 2 robots. Would really be clockwork
I think some of the top bots in the world can achieve something close to three second cycles by the end of the year.