Max drive wheels ?

Hello -

Some members of our team swear to have seen/heard of a rule which states the max number of drive wheels on a bot is six. I have failed to locate such a rule.

So, my question is if we are limited to a specific amount of drive wheels, how many drive wheels is a bot limited to? And what defines a “drive” wheel?

Thanks !

You have failed to locate such a rule because no such rule exists. :wink:

If a tank tread is like infinite wheels, then you can have infinite wheels.

Exactly what Ninja_Bait said. For a more on the spot answer, you can have as many wheels as you’d like. There is absolutely no rule prohibiting the amount of wheels a team can have, and I doubt there ever will.

This year we’re limiting ourselves to ten. Here’s eight of 'em: :slight_smile:

LOL Nice! Thanks guys, I’ll be sure to smack those who thought there was such a rule !

Please note: CD does not endorse the actions of “smacking” team members, no matter how right you are, and therefore, is not responsible for any consequences/injuries that may and will occur.

Darn, there goes THAT cash cow…:frowning:

There’s a better way.

  1. Take comical picture of said people.
  2. Post it on CD or send to Billfred.
  3. Show the “offenders” the resulting caption contest.

Whether you laugh at them or not on seeing all the captions is up to you.

Eric, permission to use this idea when we present a new idea to the team tomorrow? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m always up for a good caption contest. I may or may not have had a hand in setting up the longest-planned Unofficial Caption Contest…:stuck_out_tongue:

'Nuff said.:wink:

Epic win !

If they can’t quote a rule number, then even if they have it right, they have it wrong…