Maximum Autonomous Points?

Ill be brief. People say it is 18, but how do you arrive at that number? I see 3 for a level 1, and 6 for each level 2 auto line cross. 3+6+6=15. Where the other 3?

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It is theoretically possible for two robots to start on the same level 2 platform, meaning all three robots get 6 points, for a total of 18.


It is possible to start all three robots on Level 2 (hard, but possible)

I was unaware there was an auto mode this year :wink:


Sandstorm (15 seconds)…

Max points:

6x3 from level 2= 18
Game Hatch covers on cargo bays with prepoluated cargo 5x3= 15

Max plausible score in Sandstorm = ~33 points


That’s only if teams use the pre-loaded hatch panels in their robots and ignore the ones in the loading station. It’s more like:

6pts * 3 robots @ lvl 2= 18
5pts * 5 hatch panels with pre-loaded cargo =25

Total: 43


He had the correct idea, he simply forgot to score the hatch panels.

That is not accurate.

Section 5.1.1.C states:

C. each of the three (3) teams may preload one (1) HATCH PANEL or one (1) CARGO in their
ROBOT such that it is fully supported by that ROBOT

Actions/rules regarding Null HATCH PANELs specify they are in regards to Null HATCH PANELs

Correct me if I’m wrong but:

6 * 3 robots = 18 for starting on second level
Preload 3 cargo, secure each with hatch panels: (2 + 3) * 3 robots = 15

So 33 without picking up any cargo or hatches but there are probably teams that are able to so

2 hatches * 2 points * 2 robots = 8 (The two hatches are the ones preloaded in the loading station)

So if each robot can do everything perfect and pick up hatches from the loading station, a maximum of 41. And maybe, if coordinated correctly, the third robot that didn’t score a hatch from the loading station can pick up cargo and score it in a hatch that a robot just placed. So possibly, add 3 points to that to make 44. I’m not sure if that will happen but it’d be cool if it does.

The max points for the sandstorm period is 18
As stated in rule 5.3
Except for the SANDSTORM bonuses, scores are based on the state of the FIELD when the ARENA
timer displays zero (0), or, if not all elements have come to rest or the ROBOT changes state after being
DISABLED at the end of the MATCH, five (5) seconds after the ARENA timer displays zero (0).

So no points will get awarded until end of match except for the sandstorm bonus

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Only 18 points will be scored at the end of 15 seconds, but in terms of game objectives -

3x Hab2 bonus - 18 points
Preload 3 hatches, score all 5 available (2 on front of cargo ship, 3 on rocket) - 10 points
2 cargo balls in the preloaded cargo ship slots - 6 points
Fill every cargo ship slot with a null hatch, and fill the 3 hatched rocket goals and 6 cargo ship slots with cargo from the depot- 27 points
Total - 61 points

You’ll obviously never see 14 game pieces scored in that amount of time, and it would depress your maximum score because of the null hatches. But that’s what I get for theoretical max auto.