Greetings from Team 9092! We just finished our rookie year and are looking to up our game this season!
We have a team of pretty strong coders - I have tasked them with accomplishing four large overarching goals for programming this year, in order of priority:
- Incorporate vision with Limelight 3
- Incorporate pathing and trajectory following during autonomous
- (So that we can do) On-the-fly trajectory following and/or auto-aiming during tele-op
- (Which might require) Melding hardware odometry with vision-informed odometry
The two base functionalities we desire are to…
- From a static (ie. 0 velocity) pose, “snap to” a different pre-defined pose suitable for speaker or amp scoring
- Dynamically control orientation so that we point at the speaker
Our situation: We have built a functioning MaxSwerve chassis using 100% stock everything - Rev absolute encoders, NEOs for drive, 550s for turn, Spark Maxes all around, stock code, etc.
Our questions, with respect to achieving these two base functionalities…
- Do we need to use PathPlanner, or can this largely be accomplished with WPILib trajectories?
- Would you recommend using PathPlanner despite your answer to question 1?
- Can we implement PathPlanner without using YAGSL, ie. with mostly stock MaxSwerve code?
- If no, or if doing so is asking for trouble, or if doing so with YAGSL is just much more user-friendly, can we implement YAGSL with a MaxSwerve setup?
Would greatly appreciate any and all input! Thanks so much!