MaxSwerve / Pathing / Vision / (YAGSL?)

Greetings from Team 9092! We just finished our rookie year and are looking to up our game this season!

We have a team of pretty strong coders - I have tasked them with accomplishing four large overarching goals for programming this year, in order of priority:

  1. Incorporate vision with Limelight 3
  2. Incorporate pathing and trajectory following during autonomous
  3. (So that we can do) On-the-fly trajectory following and/or auto-aiming during tele-op
  4. (Which might require) Melding hardware odometry with vision-informed odometry

The two base functionalities we desire are to…

  • From a static (ie. 0 velocity) pose, “snap to” a different pre-defined pose suitable for speaker or amp scoring
  • Dynamically control orientation so that we point at the speaker

Our situation: We have built a functioning MaxSwerve chassis using 100% stock everything - Rev absolute encoders, NEOs for drive, 550s for turn, Spark Maxes all around, stock code, etc.

Our questions, with respect to achieving these two base functionalities…

  1. Do we need to use PathPlanner, or can this largely be accomplished with WPILib trajectories?
  2. Would you recommend using PathPlanner despite your answer to question 1?
  3. Can we implement PathPlanner without using YAGSL, ie. with mostly stock MaxSwerve code?
  4. If no, or if doing so is asking for trouble, or if doing so with YAGSL is just much more user-friendly, can we implement YAGSL with a MaxSwerve setup?

Would greatly appreciate any and all input! Thanks so much!
