Mayhem in Merrimack 2008

Mayhem in Merrimack 2008!
Hosted by Team 166

June 7th, 2008
Merrimack High School
38 McElwain Rd
Merrimack NH

24 slots available.

Registration Fee: $200
That fee includes five team shirts.

The shirts feature the names of all teams attending.
You must have registered and payed by May 21st to have your team name and number on the shirts.

For questions, e-mail [email protected]

I’m sure 1519 will be there, and I assume they’ll be bringing both configurations of their robot (entered as two bots). I’m looking forward to another great competition!

We are still waiting for their registration. :rolleyes:

I’ll ask about the dual-configuration robot. Entering a second robot would cost an additional $200 and will only be allowed if we haven’t filled up with teams.

We’ve never had a problem with that, though.

Hooray for Mayhem! I’m looking forward to this event - it’s so much fun!

I’m finalizing plans & checking to make sure I can go to Mayhem this week.
Hopefully I’ll be able to attend. It’s always a fun time!

I have only heard good things about Mayhem- I’ll see if I can work it in this year!


plan on the 1-2-5 to be there

I will definitely be at Mayhem this year. Its never anything but an amazingly fun time :slight_smile:

Dude, I hope you are ready for a 5-6 hour drive, hahah

The Mayhem in Merrimack team list as of now:

40 - Checkmate
125 - Nutrons
155 - Techno-Nuts
166 - Chop Shop
190 - WPI/Mass Academy
238 - Cruisin Crusaders
501 - Power Knights
1058 - PVC Pirates
1073 - The Force
1735 - Green Reapers
1922 - OzRam

Will you be doing clone wars again?

Most Recent Team List

40 Checkmate
125 Nutrons
151 Tough Techs
155 Techno-Nuts
166 Chop Shop
190 WPI/Mass Academy
238 Cruisin Crusaders
501 Power Knights
1058 PVC Pirates
1073 The Force
1519 Mechanical Mayhem
1735 Green Reapers
1922 OzRam
2342 Team Phoenix

Thanks to the gracious donation from 121, team 2342 is able to attend Mayhem in Merrimack this year. (There was a bit of a miscommunication on 121’s side and we ended up with a 200 dollar check from them when they weren’t actually registering. They basically said to give it to a team who needs it)

Still 7 more slots!

Will there be a webcast? I would love to watch if I can’t go.

Sorry, I don’t think that’s a possiblity…

Maybe next year!

Have you seen UStream. All you need is to have your camera connect to your computer and you get a webcast.

I’ll do a webcast, if you can arrange a (reasonably fast) internet connection.

Mayhem in Merrimack is very proud to announce that NEMO (Non-Engineering
Mentor Organization) will be offering a workshop at our competition. This
will take place in the Little Theater across from the gym starting at 9:30

NEMO (Non-Engineering Mentor Organization) provides support to mentors from
FIRST programs in the non-technical areas such as mentor recruitment,
sponsors, fundraising, travel planning, team organization and team building.
Mentors are free to come and go as their responsibilities to their teams

Please share this information with the mentors on your team. I am sure that
a lively discussion will be held. We hope to see a representative from each
team at our meeting!
Please include any parents who may be interested in helping your team.

Excerpts from the NEMO web Site:

NEMO (Non-Engineering Mentor Organization)

We deal with all the stuff that isn’t rocket science!

NEMO (Non-Engineering Mentor Organization) is a support group and
information exchange for those adult non-engineering mentors who help teams
as part of the FIRST robotics programs

NEMO will be open to adult mentors, including engineers, teachers and
college students (who may be the only mentors on their teams) who are
involved with all the non-engineering aspects of the FIRST Robotics
programs. It is mainly a support group and information exchange for those
mentors who help with all the behind-the-scene glue that hold the teams
together including mentor recruitment and retention, travel (hotels, endless
meals), parent involvement, fundraising, business plans, public relations,
community service, dealing with the FIRST logistics. We hope to seek out all
the NEMs who don’t realize they are part of a large community.

Also, a team list
40 Checkmate
125 Nutrons
151 Tough Techs
155 Techno-Nuts
166 Chop Shop
190 WPI/Mass Academy
238 Cruisin Crusaders
319 Big Bad Bob
501 Power Knights
509 Red Storm
1058 PVC Pirates
1071 Team MAX
1073 The Force
1519 Mechanical Mayhem
1735 Green Reapers
1922 OzRam
2342 Team Phoenix

You can look forward to seeing 1519’s little Speed Racer that, as well.

We have a few battery monitors that we’d like to try out tomorrow. We’d like to strap these onto robots and take data during matches. Basically, we will (unobtrusively) measure the current and voltage your batteries are supplying over the course of a match.

Any volunteers?


1519 would be glad to help.

See everyone tomorrow!

any updates from merrimack?