Medes WebHug Takeover 2008

Listen up everyone!

If anyone is going to the CD webhug PLEASE contact me! We want to set up a archimedes meet and greet, and I need to know who will be going. I want to make a list of everyone so it can be more “official”.
Be prepared to pass out buttons and other team memorabilia to people from here so come prepared.**

If you have any questions you can PM me and ask or PM me for my cell if you want to talk. I leave Wednesday and spend a day on the bus, so I have lots of time then.
If anyone wants to help me out with this contact me!**

I will be the tall blond curly haired guy with a feds sweatshirt on. I will be wearing a nametag that says Alex Dinsmoor Team 201

I have nametag templates for you to use so we can find each other easily, here they are:

Nametag template:

My Nametag:

Current Attendees:

Alex Dinsmoor – 201
Smurfgirl – 1124
Wendymom – 1902
Wpdrummer – 1902
Danny McC – 816
Qbranch – 1024
DUCKY – 365
Zach Batteram – 171
Joe Zach – 171
Andy **Burchardt **– 171
The Lucas – 365
Nuttyman54 – 190
Adman – 1024
Ajisjesus – 2040
Chaos Marine – 66
Raymaniac – 116
Thefro526 – 816
DAN1504 – 1504

Sorry someone from your team gave me your names, I must have typed it wrong (or it was typed wrong). Either way it’s great to see people are coming!

Alex Dinsmoor
Programming one line at a time
AKA: hhsc
FRC #0201 (FEDs)
Team Role: Programmer


??? That’s my name and info, don’t know me then let me introduce myself… I’m Alex Dinsmoor, an feshman programmer on the FEDS.

Put it on your nametag my friend CD Web HUG.

Ok, I will be sure too.

A few years ago there were tags that were copies of our signatures and , I think, our avatars. Check it out.

That sounds like a good idea, any pics? I will use my new one or a modded version for thursday.

And I already made one. Oh well, I’ll make another one if I havve time.

As long as it has your name, username, and team it’s fine.

Have a look at the 2005 Web Hug thread, around post 50 and forward.

Might I suggest

which is in

Thanks for the links, I will edit my tag to include that!

THAT’s what I’m talking about. Nice Michelle.


Can you make mine for me? You know I"m hopeless.


I redid mine again, it’s like my old one mixed with the one you just posted.

I just finalized the document with the names in it, now if you want to be added you get to be written in with cool black pen!

Wait…so are we supposed to print our own name tags or have you made them for us…?confused

You will need to make your own, but I have scissors, paper, and tape if you forgot (someone will).

I was just going to write “Qbranch” in blue sharpie on a sticker and stick it on my shirt like normal…

And, if you can’t recognize me by my name, you can see me in this picture. :]
