I am writing for a friend, who is a FRC alum and willing to mentor a team (primarily programming and strategy but open to all types of mentorship) for this season. If anyone needs another mentor, feel free to PM me your details and I will pass them on
Do you mean the SF bay area? If so, you might get a better response if you include which part of the bay area, because the bay area is rather large.
It’s a bit odd that you’re posting instead of your friend directly.
Some teams may be reticent to take on someone new during the season.
I would suggest you have a clear idea what type of team you want to mentor. Small team/large team, what competitive goals, level of existing mentor involvement, what resources are more important to you.
When trying to find a team to mentor, you might consider including your age/life stage, education, career, past FRC experience, and availability. Teams want to know if you’ll be a good fit. Also important to some teams might be references.
I’ve had some success emailing teams using contact information found on their team page or website when looking for a team to mentor in the past. But I didn’t send out blanket emails, and tried to target teams I thought would be a good fit.
Yes, the SF Bay Area, specifically between East Bay and Sac. I’m just posting on behalf of him (and will let him reveal those details on his preferences). I’ll send him your tips, thanks
“I’m from the bay” -Guy from Fairfield
me to everyone after living in Sacramento for 3 years
Honestly, this is weird. Why isn’t your friend posting this, instead of you? Do they have mentor experience? Have they already been a mentor for a Bay Area team? If yes, why did they leave that team? I don’t know many people who want to share their info with some stranger collecting their info with another stranger.
He’s a friend who’s looking for a new team for a different experience. He does have mentor experience, but I will let him answer any further questions. He doesn’t have a Chief Delphi account, and I am actively encouraging to do so.