Merging two assembly files?

I made a few changes to an assembly, and so did some other members of the team. Now, I want to integrate their changes into mine, and visa versa… Is there any way to do that without redoing all the changes either I did or they did, to each others’ file?

Did both of you make changes to the same file?

Yes… Same file, now they are different versions.
I cut lightning holes in the gearboxes, and a few other things, like constraining the risers… They added bumpers and put the hardware boxes on there… It’ll save a good hour of work if we can combine the two files.

Ok, I would just take the bumpers he added and put them in your file. Then go ahead and constrain them (It should only take 10 minutes at most if you use the tools efficiently.) Then, I would do the same thing with the hardware boxes. It shouldn’t take anywhere near an hour to do this unless he has like 10 boxes all of which would be in unusual constraints. A short cut might be to put both of your assemblies into a new assembly and then deleting the stuff from his that you changed and vice versa. Then simply constrain the frames to overlap. This is an extremely cheap way of doing it and I advise that you use my first idea. However, it will get the job done even if it does break the laws of physics.

Did I help? If so, please let me know which one you chose and how it worked. If you come across errors, let me know and I will try and help you resolve them.