Messed Up Robot by changing something in

I have not edited robot at all. This problem has occurred on two separate programs, so I know I’m doing something wrong, I just don’t know what.

The error I’m seeing when building my code says
“Items with errors:
Details Display
Not Found”

With Robot, the connection stemming from is broken; the error says the code is trying to wire together two different data types (cluster of three elements to boolean). For, it says that the function is not supported for the current target.

I’m very new to LabView; what could I have changed in the that would have caused this? Attached is

The only errors in that I see is PWM 1 is used twice.
Usually, an error like the one you are describing means the error out was deleted or the terminal was moved.

You can try clicking on the broken arrow for more information, but you probably already see all there is to see.

  • Open Robot Main and there should be a broken arrow on the top menu bar on the left.
  • Click on it and a list of errors should appear.
    *]Click on an error and it will take you to what it thinks is wrong.
    If you want to attach both the and the Robot we could inspect them and probably be more helpful.

Attached is and Robot, though I have not touched Robot at all. I changed PWM1 once to another unused PWM, but this did not resolve the issue. How would you delete the error out?

Robot (14.7 KB) (25 KB)

Robot (14.7 KB) (25 KB)

Update: I previously thought that some sort of code I had submitted in Begin.Vi had messed this up. Teleop and Begin were the only VI’s I had touched. I tried a basic mecanum with arm code and encountered the same build error. Note: it is only AFTER this error that the connection between and the other thingys break. I’m not quite sure what could be causing this, but hopefully will figure it out in the next few hours.

Update: I have managed a temporary fix (attached) but would still like help, as I’m sure it will be causing problems. However, this allows the code to at least build. The error in for has disappeared…though I have not edited Robot

Any suggestions?



It sounds like this might be due to library mismatches, so when a project loads it is linking to an older set of libraries that have a few changes and break connections.

I assume you don’t see any unusual messages when the project first loads.

Did the computer you are using have an earlier/different version of LabVIEW previously installed on it?
Do you have a second computer LabVIEW could be installed on (after uninstalling all previous LabVIEW installations)?

This particular classmate is brand new, we have a second from 2014 that I can try testing on when our meeting starts today, or a desktop (though these had previous versions of LabView). By libraries, do you mean previous versions of Labview? There are multiple programs I’ve written on this computer, though I haven’t copied from one to the other. Should I try deleting some unused ones/would this help the mismatch?

First pick one of the other machines, like the desktop.
Uninstall all National Instruments software.
Then install the new edition and see if the default code works okay.

Well, it works now. Thanks for all your help!