Miami Valley Regional Team Social

BONDS 5811 is excited to announce a team social for the Miami Valey Regional. This is located about 20 minutes away from the Nutter Center (where the competition is located) at Scene 75.

Tickets are 20$ a person for full ticket (food, $20 of games, and $10 of arcade)
You don’t need to buy the package to attend, you can enter for free and buy (or not buy if you want) games/food separately at Scene 75, but the prices are steep.

We need a headcount and payment by Feb. 14th.

Sorry, some of the information got deleted during revision, it is Friday, March 2 from 7-10 PM, I know this is scouting time we didn’t get the reservation early enough to book that Thursday.

This info (and payment details) has been passed on, and will hopefully be passed shortly to the teams more formally

Should Probably merge this with the Official MVR thread so all info is there.

Moderator, is it possible to merge this with the main MVR thread?