Michigan FIRST Kickoff Seminars

Hi all,

We have finally worked through all the issues and now have a pretty firm handle on the seminars and round tables we are going to have at the Novi Expo Center on Jan. 5th.

Go to the link below:

Seminars & Speakers for Novi Seminars & Round Table Discussions

FYI, we are working to get them video taped (all except the round tables which might require more editing to make useful than we have time for). We are NOT planning on making copies available but ARE working with NASA (specifically Dave Lavery & friends) to get them to process the tapes into streaming format of some kind or other and to make them available via the NASA site.

More details to follow.

By the way, if you have not already done so, EVERYONE ON YOUR TEAM THAT IS GOING TO ATTEND SHOULD REGISTER. If you plan on attending the kickoff click on the link below and register. It only takes 30 seconds (really).

The facilities we are in are easily 10 times the size of the NH kickoff in 2001, but we will only put up chairs for folks who register. Do it now or you’ll be standin’

Click Here to Register for the Novi Kickoff

See you in Novi on Jan. 5th

Joe J.

NOTE: I edited this message to take out some of the competitive tone that had crept into my message. Of course we are not really competing with other regional kickoffs (or NH for that matter). My sole intent in implying that folks should be jealous is that I wanted MICHIGAN folks to show up (and to REGISTER). To the extent that I riled up peoples features, I am sorry. It is going to be a great kickoff all across North America. In my enthusiasm for the seminars I helped to organize, I may have gone too far. Please forgive my over excited statements. JJ

Last edited by Joe Johnson on 12-13-2001 at 08:56 PM


Where are the notes kept from the various seminars that were held at the Novi MI kickoff? You said your notes from the Programming seminars were going to be on the SharingFirst site, but I’ve looked daily and still can’t find them there
(at least under the “Software” category).

Can you please post the URLs for that (and the other) handouts?


If anyone has videos of any of the workshop sessions and wouldn’t mind sharing them, please post here where we might be able to contact you for a copy, and what you need in the way of $$ to cover your trouble.

For example, I saw several camcorders at the Fundraising Roundtable. As a rookie team still without enough sponsorship funds yet, we’re ESPECIALLY interested in getting a video of that one to show to our ENTIRE membership!


  • Keith