Michigan State Championship Points

Has there been any idea as to how district championship points are going to be handled for the teams that are considered “divisional winners”? Has there been any official word about how many divisions are going to be run and how the tournament is going to work? I can’t seem to find anything after looking around. :]

To quote an email from Gail:

The 160 teams will be divided into 4 divisions of 40 teams each. Each division will have their own playoffs and awards. Then the winner of each division will face off against the other division winners. Chairman’s, Engineering Inspiration and the Rookie All Star Award, as well as the State Champion and Finalist Awards will be given out.

The divisions will be Consumers Energy, Dow, DTE Energy Foundation, and Ford.

Now as to how district points will be awarded in playoffs (especially on “Einstein”), I don’t think that has been explicitly mentioned anywhere.

I think the district points will work the same exact way as normal district competitions elimination rounds. For “Einstein” teams will probably recieve 5 district points for each match they win if they advance. Example: If team wins qf, sf, and finals in their division, they would recieve 30 district points (10 for each). Then if they were to go through “Einstein” semifinals and win they would recieve 20 pts (10 for each). So in total a team can get 50 pts from MSC elims.

The points are awarded the same way as in a District with the following exception:

Points earned at District Championships are multiplied by three (3) and then added to points earned at District events, to determine the final season point total for the Team

As found in Section 10.12.3 of the 2017 Game and Season Manual.

With how I read the Manual, you will get 10 Points (30 with the Multiplier) for every round you win at MSC Playoffs, including the Inter-Divisional Playoffs.

If there are any changes to that it will be posted in a Team Update, but as I am not seeing anything I doubt that will change before MSC.