Michigan State Championship Seminar Series videos released

The videos for the seminar series that we hosted at the Michigan State Championship are now posted!

Knowing the A’s, B’s, and C++s: C++ programming for FIRST robotics – Omar Zrien, Team 3539

The Business of FIRST: Fundraising, Sponsorship, and the Chairman’s Award – Michael Graham, Team 1718

Quality Function Deployment, QFD: Using a quality system to build success into your design after kickoff – Ron Weber, Team 3641

Know your opponent: Learn how scout FRC competitions – Jim Zondag and Isaac Rife, Team 33

**FIRST Design: Effective mechanical mechanisms for FIRST - Paul Copioli, Team 217

**One Good Turn Deserves Another – Chris Hibner, Team 51

Sorry their up a little later than expected

Thanks for sharing these. I think I’m going to browse through them. Another useful resource for teams, especially newer ones without as much past experience to build on.

Thanks for sharing these and for putting on the seminars!

These are awesome, thanks for recording. Any chance Paul has uploaded his physical presentation anywhere?

We have the physical powerpoints, but I haven’t had the time to put them up. We’re booked solid with all the backlogged ‘real life’ stuff that we’d been ignoring.

Give us a week or two to catch up, and I’ll get a page on our website dedicated to hosting the seminar links and the powerpoint slides and calculation tools.

Ok, it took more than a week: it took me staying home from work with the flu to go through and get the documents on line.

2013 Michigan State Championship Seminars