
has anyone ever thought about using midgets (maybe powered by krispy kremes and mountain dew) disguised as your robot?

i think that this would make the most unstopable “bot” out there.:cool:

We were planning on using our driver, tony, who is nearly a midget without all the disproportiate-ness. He has a unknown power source, probably some sort of nuclear fission, instead of the suggested Krispy Kremes and Mountain Dew. He comes in at just around 115 pounds the perfect robot. Unfortunately we realized we would have nobody to drive the robot, so we scrapped the idea.

we actually considered using one of the three girls on my team, but when we discovered she couldn’t go to NYC of florida, well, we had to actually make a robot. :smiley:

We have a midget on our team. I don’t know how tall he is, but I’m pretty sure he weighs under 90 pounds (and he’s a junior)! If you want to meet him, just come over to 288’s pit and ask for Alex.

well I guess our ultra secret high traction drive system isnt a secret anymore…