mini made robot communication

i have a normal robot of my own that i made using an old control system that run in PBASIC and now i wanna make my self a mini robot like the size of a sumo bot, but i wanna make everything myself
like all the electronics and everything, but i dont know how to make anything rf yet so i am planning on using Infrared LEDs and detector and since it wud b like a multiplexor over IR how do i make it so that the clock in one will still beable to send data with the clock in the other even it it is of by a lil bit of timing, since i can like turn one on at a diff time then the other, should i just make a high frequncy clock so that the difference in timing is smaller or is there sumthing i should do that i dont know about

go to your book store and look up robotics theirs alot of books that teach you to do it from scratch. especialy the evil geniouses guide to robotics (or something like that).