- Is it legal to change the electrical connector on the Minibot Battery, or eliminate it completely?
- How does one post a question to the GDC to get a ruling?
I would suspect the answer is no. But asking the GDC is the right decision. The only way to ask the GDC and get an official answer is by using your teams official login and password. This is obtainable by your teams main contact and will be visible on your teams TIMS account on the right side of the screen.
I am going to go with R92
C. no more than one 12V rechargeable NiMH battery pack **identical to those supplied in the FTC kit of parts **(PN W739057) except the 20A fuse may be replaced with an equivalent type of lower amperage,
I can guess you are trying to eliminate weight but the downside is having a battery that can’t be charged when you charger falls off the table. Or your battery is damaged in a fall from a great height and you can’t borrow one. Or…
Ask the Q&A.
Actually it the Tamiya type connectors used on the batteries are notorious for being the sources of arcs, and poor connections- Common RC practice it to replace them with powerpoles (which are heavier I beleive) but better, or Deans- which are lighter- Also less volatge loss across the connector, but neither as good as direct soldering…