Minibot Magnet confirmation

Rule confirmation: Can we use a hard drive magnet to attract our minibot onto the pole?



The answer is in the rule book, but I’ll give it to you to save time…

R<92> specifies all materials legal on the minibot.

AA. Says magnets are legal.

<R92> The following items are the only permitted materials for use on the MINIBOTS:
A. TETRIX components that are not
in violation of any other rules,
(Tetrix components are listed in
Approved Tetrix Parts at
B. no more than two motors (PN
W739083/W739023) and an
unlimited number of Tetrix
C. no more than one 12V
rechargeable NiMH battery pack
identical to those supplied in the
FTC kit of parts (PN W739057)
except the 20A fuse may be
replaced with an equivalent type
of lower amperage,
D. No more than one HiTechnic DC
motor controllers,
E. No more than one NXT controller
with the Bluetooth functionality
F. Polycarbonate,
G. Polycarbonate glue,
H. Raw welding rod, aluminum
sheet, 90° angle, u-channel, tube,
bar, that is not sold in preperforated or pre-punched form.
I. rivets,
J. non-metallic rope or cord,
K. wire nuts, solder, and crimps,
L. cable ties,
M. limit switches,
N. no more than two common
household light switches,
O. electrical hookup wire,
P. non-slip pad,
Q. PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings,
R. PVC cement or cleaner,
S. Mechanical fasteners (e.g.
screws, bolts, etc),
T. Loctite or similar thread-locking
U. Rubber bands,
V. Surgical tubing,
W. Electrical tape and shrink tubing,
X. PWM extension cables,
Y. Universal security clips to hold
the PWM connectors together,
Z. Hook and loop fastener (may not
be used as tape),
AA. Magnets,
BB. NXT compatible sensors and
related connectors/cables,
CC. Grease, and
DD. Non-functional decorations

The magnet would be legal. The original mounting plate may or may not be. in the Q&A explains this.

I guess it comes down to what the definition of a magnet is. If you scrape a magnet on a piece of steel and it becomes magnetic, is that now a magnet?

The mounting plate that Hard Drive magnets use is Steel, the ones we played with had magnetic properties. To me, thats now a magnet as well.