Minibot questions

Firstly, what defines “deployment” of a minibot? Is it possible to give the bot a starting velocity?

Also, does the minibot have to stay at the top of the tower, or can it fall back down?

Deployment seems to be allowing the minibot to leave the frame of the hostbot.
Also, the rules seem to show that the only requirement for reaching the top is pushing the sensor plate in ~1/4 inch which takes ~2-3N of force.

Also, does the minibot have to be completely self propelled?

  1. ::rtm::, Game Section 1.6, definition of deployment.
  2. I don’t see it prohibited. Just make sure you don’t contact it beyond the deployment line (<G22>).
  3. Not specified in the manual.

To answer your last question, it says in the manual that you must have a way to bring your robot down. The first time you are unable to get it down within one minute, the field team will come and get it down. A repeated violation earns you a yellow card.

Does the minibot have to stay at the top of the pole for a set time?

We don’t know. Sorry.

If tradition holds, Q&A opens Wednesday.