hey!, i was wondering about the Minnesota regional in general… whats the average temperature supposed to be (i’m from Florida… its 82 deg. here right now…), or how the duel regional worked… also a good place to say what teams are excited about going!
Hi! It should warm up a bit by then, right now I’m comfortable wearing a sweatshirt. It’s not so bad.
Essentially, they run the regionals as seperate regionals. Each is it’s own regional similiar to any other regional. I’m pretty excited for it, it should be fun.
The two regionals will be run as two completely separate events. However, if you want to go check out the robots over at the other event the two venues are right across the street from each other.
The average High for Minneapolis in the first week of April is about 50 degrees. You guys are lucky the regional is the very last week, today it is 30 and snowing like crazy here on campus!
Team 2175 is excited for the Northstar Regional!
avg hi 50
avg lo 30
record hi 80
record lo 9
Yea I would guess High 40s to Low 50s but being minnesota it may conveniently snow a ton. It is snowing now and jeans and a fleece are adequate for short trips outside. If you don’t care for colder weather, pack a pair of jeans to wear to the regional and bring a light jacket to wear (I would sometimes wear mine at competition too).
The regionals are effectively two regionals as has already been said and I am pumped to go.
10000 Lakes for me.
I’m excited, its North Star for Patrick and me.
you can find out more here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrCJJ2JHnEU, also this thread should probably merge with the other Minnesota Regional thread.
so theres a chance for snow?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
In early April, there is a chance of anything. But usually it is quite nice.
Minnesota weather is unpredicatble…umm snow tonight? Crazy!
But usually a sweatshirt or light jacket and then jeans or something like that should be fine for going outside at all times.
Umm…one of the funnest things about Minneosta is the FIRST (haha get it) annual Robotics Shindig sponsored by the Robettes. Hope you all signed up and we will for sure be having an amazing time at the MOA!
The weather has been great recently, and I am fine with a light sweatshirt. I’ve actually grabbed the mail in a tshirt a few times.
However, it is very unpredictable. We had record lows all winter, then numerous melts followed by numerous snowstorms. Definitely expect 40-50s for early April though.
You aren’t kidding, was going to head to a robotics meeting 2 miles away tonight. Weather conditions are so bad im skipping it tonight.
as the saying goes, wait five minutes and the weather will change.
During the competition you will be inside and it will get warm in there most likely. But a sweatshirt with a t-shirt underneath should be fine, with maybe a light jacket. You can always take off layers, but you never know what the weather will be. As long as you have what is suggest above you should be fine, for outdoors (but that is the minnesotan in me).
Just in case anyone not from MN is wondering, it’s gonna be about -8 today (but plenty of sun!!)
I know, I was going to go to something tonight too but I had to stay home cause it was to slippery to drive…absolute craziness!
The worst is innocent rain in the morning… then you see snow and then start swearing your head off because you know by the time school is over, it is going to take you 20 min just to pry the door open. And then another 40 min to scrape the wind shield and get the car started.
Little bit of exaggeration but not a large stretch by any means.
But by competition time, things shouldn’t be that bad.
Minnesota is one of those places where you don’t want to listen to the locals talk about the weather. You are from Florida so it will be cold. Don’t plan on walking a long distance after dark in your team tshirt, you’ll turn into a popsicle. It is common practice for Minnesotans to wear shorts and sandals whenever the sun shines and it is above 45 degrees in late March or April. If someone tells you it’s a little chilly, take your parka. In Minnesota, Girl Scouts stop selling cookies outside the Walmart when the temp gets below -20F (and start selling hot chocolate).
Temperature aside, be prepared for a great regional. Minnesota teams know how to throw a party. If you look at the team list and think you are going to have it easy with the large number of rookies, you are in for a big surprise. First year teams are immersed in First before their first regional. They build quality robots and great teams. Watch out for my personal favorite the Robettes, they were awesome last year and one of the most exuberant teams I have ever worked with. Mendotta Heights is just south of Minneapolis. If you are flying, you will likely pass right over it on final approach just before you cross the river.
Al is right, at 50F we put on shorts and talk about how nice and warm the weather is. If you’re from Florida, you know people put on parkas as soon as some one says the low temperature will approach 50F. We’ve had snow storms that dump a foot of snow on April 16.
There is a video going around the Internet called UFFDAMINNESOTA that shows Minnesotans out playing in the snow. It’s pretty much true. Two weeks ago I was at a sled dog race and the temperature at the start of the race was -24F, just a little chilly for Minnesotans. BTW, It was -8F this morning when I left for work. Expect the ground to still be frozen during the regionals.
Yes, but it is a dry cold!
At -8F it’s always a dry cold.
But in April it’s usually damp from the snow melt.
He is not kidding we spent close to 15 minutes de-icing the front window of my van (granted it is bigger than most cars) but still, it wasn’t a fun experience.
Did that today, twas very comfortable.