Hi everyone,
We have an issue with our swerve code. Whenever we point the swerve drive joystick almost all are not aligned. For example, when pointing the joystick forward, front right is driving straight; front left and back right are pointing north west and back left is pointing eastward. When rotating the joystick 720 degrees, front left is driving north east; front right is going East; back right is driving South South West and back left is going straight.
Apologies for the poor video quality but appreciate any help
Like @Skyehawk mentioned above. You will need to reset the zero / offset angle for your encoders in the forward facing position. One way to do this is using the phoenix tuner, as shown in this video.
You can also zero the encoders inside the Phoenix Tuner instead of in your code by clicking the button that says something like “zero encoder”. One thing to note, the new zero will not take effect until your entire robot is power cycled.