Our coder retired this year, and we are all brand new to coding (but picking up the basics). Unfortunately, our swerve code broke when we imported it. This code was originally taken from another team in 2022 or 2023 (team 3512 ).
I’m wondering…is there a template or anything we could use, similar to the Rev template?
Currently using SDS MK4i Swerve with NEO’s and SparkMAX’es.
We used NEOs and SparkMAXs last year and used in-house code that worked fine for us. You will have to import the project to 2025 or try to copy the files over into a new project and fix any breaking changes if there are any.
In your situation, YAGSL is a really good option. Our team (9044) uses bespoke code for the same drivetrain you have, but we almost certainly would have happily chosen YAGSL had it been available one year earlier.