MnM EASY Question of the Day Winners!

Attention all EASY Question of the Day Winners! We have not forgotten you!

The first annual 2002 edition of our contest ran from January 25 through March 5, 2002, and consisted of 40 questions. We had over 40 winners representing more than 30 great FIRST teams! Our winner’s list looks like a who’s-who of ChiefDelphi regulars and we greatly appreciate the CD forums for directing many of you our way.

Our sponsors have provided each of our 42 EASY Question of the Day winners with a great package of prizes which we will present this week at Nationals!

Our hats are off (and in the prize package) to each of you for making our contest a success! Congratulations and thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at EPCOT.

Please reply to this post here if we will see you at EPCOT. For those who will not be at the national competition, we will ship your prize package if you will email your contact information.

We have more information and a picture of some of the prizes at

Of course if you were not a winner, we’re still looking for everyone to come by and say hello. We look forward to meeting everyone and our sponsors have graciously provided lots of complimentary gifts to distribute!

I’ll be there …
Hanging around pit 34

You guys rock …

GREAT team, GREAT robot, GREAT website, GREAT ideas …


Team 118’s Kris V (me), the answerer of Easy question number 3, will be in Florida with bells on.

Now where did I put those bells…

well…i didnt respod to any of the questions of the day but i think its a great thing…i will be sure to stop by your pit…you should stop by ours…team 357 :smiley:

I will definitely stop by to see my friends at Metal-In-Motion!

I’m sure alot of SPAMers will be stopping by the MnM pit for general thanks and congrats [great job at st louis, btw!]…

too bad we’re not in the same division =-

anywho… i’ll prolly be by sometime thursday…

best of luck, and i hope we meet in finals =-]

Team 180

I’ll make sure I stop by to say hi and get my bag of goodies. Looking through the question archives, I was surprised and honored to see WASH was one of the questions. Thanks MnM


I’ll be there too to pick up my bag of goodies. I’m inspecting on thursday, so I’ll probably stop by friday or saturday.

I’ll be by to pick up my prize at some point. Hope to meet (beat) you guys in the finals :smiley:

Yep, I’ll be there and will probably stop by to pick up my prize (wow, its only in FIRST that I ever win anything).

I’ll be there…

I will be there! Along with the rest of team HeatWave in our band-spankin’-new PIT station!! Can’t wait to see you guys there!


I’ll be at nationals, if I get the chance to tear myself away from the robot I’ll come to your pit to claim my prize, if not I’ll hope that a nice non-pit crew person will do it for me…


Ill be there to get my prize!! (Greg P) See ya in The Great State Of Florida!!!


P.S.- Woo hoo Pam, you won tooo!!!

It’s great to see so many “Easy Question of the Day Winners” checking in. I have personally packaged each box and for a couple of you, a special prize. If you know someone who has not checked this CD post or our web page, please give them a gentle reminder to check in to let us know how they want to get their prize. It should be exciting! Let the fun begin.

i’ll be there

Well, I’m not going to be there. :frowning:
But apparently, my friend Griffen has my stuff.


/me misses nationals...

To everyone who came by to claim their prize, it was a blast meeting you! I did not realize how diverse our FIRST population really is. Hopefully the boxed prizes will be beneficial to you and your team.

To those of you who were not able to attend, we will send your prize via the mail service when you send us your mailing address. (Not e-mail)

Thanks for the participation.

Wetzel was missed at nationals, at least by me. I was hoping to meet you for whatever reason.

In other news, HOLY CRAP the Metal-in-Motion prize package rocked. I got a friggin’ THERMOMETER (in addition to other stuff)! Genius!

Gosh! I didn’t think we included that kind of thermometer. Still, thanks for the “scoop” on the goodies. It was a blast giving out the prizes. Now, who dat bat?