mobile layout?

is there a special link or layout available for mobile devices ???


There is a PDA view, click on the archive link at the bottom and click PDA at the top right.

Def. not the best way to view any new threads though.
Still waiting for a nice mobile version, but I know that’s a huge undertaking, so I can learn to live without CD for a while while I’m away from the computer… I guess.

That’s the best way, until theres an actual mobile theme of vBulletin released. I won’t have time to develop one.

It’s works great on my BlackBerry Pearl - I read CD to everyone in my vehicle traveling to events. I did have to take apart my trackball after scrolling through one of the LF posts!

The RSS feed also works well on my phone, for getting the latest posts.

Works pretty well on my phone.

Get Opera Mini (

and it works pretty well from there…

I am holding out on my Sony Ericsson with Opera mini until the new Iphone

Developing a mobile gateway for CD(basically taking the archive and reparsing it into a mobile-friendly format) was one of my side projects at one point, but I haven’t really had any time to get too far with it…and then I got handed this new project for work, and that’s pretty much eating up all of my time. More info will come on my latest work once I get the official OK to release it…