Posted by Erin. [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]
Other on team ? from ? sponsored by ?.
Posted on 10/11/2000 9:49 AM MST
In the past we have all talked about the toughest machines, the machines that have scared us the most, and most recently, ‘The Winningest Robot’…
What about all of the other functions that robots have? I really am getting bored of seeing the same teams in posts over and over for being intimidating. What about we discuss who we would have given other awards to?
I propose a ‘People’s-Choice’ Election for awards like:
-Best Co-Opertition Robot(s)
-Best Defensive Machines
-Best Offensive Machines
-Best Seeding Strategy
-Most Improved Robot
-Best Monkey
-Best ‘No-Frills’ Robot (i.e.: 221 post-Nationals, and of course the ‘Wedge’)
-Best Ball-Stealer
-Best ‘Over The Ramp’ Robot
-Best Basket
-Least likey to get ripped off the bar
-Best Winch
-Fastest off the ground
-Most likely to get knocked over and get back up
-Fastest Robot
-Most Photogenic (can’t leave that one out)
-Best match you’ve ever seen
-anything you can think of!
You can discuss these from any robots in the present, or even start a discussion on robots in the past (those gone but not forgotten!). You can also choose different ones from all of the different regionals. Rack your brain- I am REALLY interested in seeing what all of you can come up with.