'Mock' Awards.

Posted by Erin.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Other on team ? from ? sponsored by ?.

Posted on 10/11/2000 9:49 AM MST

In the past we have all talked about the toughest machines, the machines that have scared us the most, and most recently, ‘The Winningest Robot’…

What about all of the other functions that robots have? I really am getting bored of seeing the same teams in posts over and over for being intimidating. What about we discuss who we would have given other awards to?

I propose a ‘People’s-Choice’ Election for awards like:

-Best Co-Opertition Robot(s)
-Best Defensive Machines
-Best Offensive Machines
-Best Seeding Strategy
-Most Improved Robot
-Best Monkey
-Best ‘No-Frills’ Robot (i.e.: 221 post-Nationals, and of course the ‘Wedge’)
-Best Ball-Stealer
-Best ‘Over The Ramp’ Robot
-Best Basket
-Least likey to get ripped off the bar
-Best Winch
-Fastest off the ground
-Most likely to get knocked over and get back up
-Fastest Robot
-Most Photogenic (can’t leave that one out)
-Best match you’ve ever seen
-anything you can think of!

You can discuss these from any robots in the present, or even start a discussion on robots in the past (those gone but not forgotten!). You can also choose different ones from all of the different regionals. Rack your brain- I am REALLY interested in seeing what all of you can come up with.


Posted by Andy Grady.

Other on team in limbo from in limbo sponsored by in limbo.

Posted on 10/11/2000 11:24 AM MST

In Reply to: ‘Mock’ Awards. posted by Erin on 10/11/2000 9:49 AM MST:

Hello, I can have some teams for some of those awards plus a few of my own here…

Fastest Robot - team 40 Trinity High School, they redefined break neck speed.

Best Offensive - Tie with team 111 and 126, Wild Stang and Gael Force, both robots were very similar and picked up and scored mad points every round.

Best Defensive - team 246, NSTAR and BU, it didn’t do a ton, but it could push a ton, scared me enough to have our partner concentrate on keeping them away from us in a round so we could score (even then it was barely enough) also the only team to zero Delphi in Jersey, impressive.

Most Versatile - Team 102, Ortho and Somerville, they could load at the human and score 8 balls at a time, pick up from the groud fairly fast, hang, and steal balls, ok so they didn’t go under the bar, oh well, they didn’t need to go to the other side of the field, they were such a force of a human loader.

Coolest Robot - Team 25, Bristol Meyers, everyone who knows me knows how much I love those little claw games where you try to pick out the stuffed animals. I would have a field day if i had a chance to play with that robot!

Most Respected Robot - Team 47, Delphi and Pontiac Central, lets face it, this robot earned the respect of everyone out there in practice rounds alone, so versatile and so effective.

Most Dangerous Robot - Team 131, Osram and Central, its was amazingly tough to have to keep an eye on them in qualification rounds as well as elims. When they were on the field, no points were secure.

Most Underestimated - Team 293, Morehouse and Hopewell, 2 regional wins is no fluke, im still baffeled to this day to why they weren’t picked in the nationals.

Sponsor of the year - NASA, it was the year of the NASA team, 2 national champions, and many quality robots

Posted by Trevor McCulloch.

Student on team #349, The Robahamas, from International Academy and Ford.

Posted on 10/11/2000 8:38 PM MST

In Reply to: ‘Mock’ Awards. posted by Erin on 10/11/2000 9:49 AM MST:

What about ‘Most Weight Reduction Holes?’

Posted by Jessica Boucher.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #237, Sie-H2O-Bots, from Watertown High School and Eastern Awning Systems & The Siemon Company.

Posted on 10/12/2000 11:25 AM MST

In Reply to: Re: ‘Mock’ Awards. posted by Trevor McCulloch on 10/11/2000 8:38 PM MST:

: Hey!
: What about ‘Most Weight Reduction Holes?’

Yes, but who would want to count them?

Posted by Meg Z…

Student on team #349, Robahamas, from International Academy and Ford Motor Co…

Posted on 10/12/2000 4:43 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: ‘Mock’ Awards. posted by Jessica Boucher on 10/12/2000 11:25 AM MST:

: : Hey!
: : What about ‘Most Weight Reduction Holes?’

: Yes, but who would want to count them?

You could just make that a part of inspection…they check enough other stuff.

Posted by David Kelly.

Student on team #234, Cyber Blue, from Perry Meridian H. S. and Rolls-Royce.

Posted on 10/12/2000 5:16 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: ‘Mock’ Awards. posted by Trevor McCulloch on 10/11/2000 8:38 PM MST:

: Hey!
: What about ‘Most Weight Reduction Holes?’

That award might have to go to Team 234. There was no piece of metal on our robot that didn’t have a weight reduction (Speed Holes) holes!
