Mode buttons on Spark MAX are grayed out

I’ve got a Spark MAX connected to a NEO brushless motor through USB to my computer, and I have Rev’s Spark MAX client. I can set the motor through percentage control perfectly fine, however the radio buttons to set the mode of the motor are all grayed out, so I’m unable to use velocity or positional control.

I’ve tried a new motor controller, new motor, setting a CAN ID, turning on/off some of the advanced configuration settings, and I’m on the latest client and motor controller software. I’ve also restarted the robot and the motor controller and I’ve made certain that the motor controller is set to brushless motors. What’s going on?

As far as I’m aware, Rev hasn’t implemented the ability to control Spark Maxes via the Client in any other mode other than percent output. The buttons for the various modes still appear because they plan to implement said features in the future.

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Wow, that’s really misleading then…

Thank you for the help!

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